I hear it all the time – “Let’s meet at Starbucks” or “I can just work at Starbucks”. And why not? There’s free WiFi, comfortable leather chairs, decent access to electrical outlets, good music, good aromas, good people. Sounds like the kind of place anyone would want to work, right? So what’s the problem? Well, […]
In navigation, a fix is a “charted position of a vessel or craft”. In MoMo culture it’s any location – natural, historical, local – anyplace that furthers our mission to help you go mobile and create the best work/life experiences you’ll ever have. In short, a fix is anyplace in the world that’s arresting, inviting, […]
Below are common MoMo terms and their definitions, offered as a guide to help classify and present our collective mobile experiences here in the pages of The Crew. ACTIVITY TERMS Activity means active exertion or effort involving direct experience, as opposed to passive experience (e.g., reading about going mobile is not and activity) Task means […]
Welcome to the MoMo Crew, the online resource for the mobile workforce. Whether you’re a student, worker, professional, or stay-at-homer, this is the place you’ll find information, anecdotes, and descriptions of how people around the world are going mobile. Visit regularly and you might even get a chance to share in the adventures along the […]
So you’re ready to ready to get out there, eh? You’ve decided work sucks, and that you want to do something about it. You’ve read all the books, kick-started yourself into taking massive action, and committed yourself to going mobile. Great! So now what?!? That’s where MoMo and The Gear come in. Our news, reviews, […]
If, as they say, “the journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet”, then it’s the first step that counts most. And your first step toward going mobile begins right here, right now, with your careful consideration of essential mobile gear, or what I call the Basic 4. Essential Mobile Gear (the Basic 4) […]